Monday, October 13, 2008

Blackberry Storm Coming Soon! =D

The secret is out. Everyone is talking about the new Blackberry Storm from Verizon that is coming out next month. It supposed to be amazing! It's also supposed to give the Apple's iPhone 3G and T-Mobile's G1 a run for it's money. The Blackberry Storm has so many features on it. Some of those features include: applications like Facebook, a black jack game, a GPS system, and it supports a wi-fi. This means that downloading applications should be faster. On the new Blackberry there is also a cut and paste feature for e-mailing. Along with all of those features, the phone is also a touch screen which a lot of people like now. Also, the Storm's camera is bigger and has video on it which the iPhone and G1 do not have.

Clearly this phone is a big deal. I think it sounds really cool and it's great that Verizon has something like the iPhone (but supposedly better) to offer their customers.

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